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    Testseek is a review content aggregator. We’re aiming to inform the consumers about the quality and performance of products. For this, we aggregate and standardize online Expert reviews, Consumer reviews, and Video product reviews. Most importantly, each review is validated to be recognized as a genuine, trustworthy review by a chain of automated processes and by the dedicated Testseek editorial team. ICECAT NV, the Netherlands-based company, runs Testseek review services, and we are fully independent of review websites, magazines, and manufacturers.

    Unbiased reviews. Shoppers avoid making bad purchasing decisions by reading unbiased expert reviews. Expert reviews are more objective and thorough often. TestSeek collects trusted reviews from the review sources on the web. Expert reviews. Testseek provides consumers with quality product information before their purchase. At you will find review summaries, average scores, test comments, pros and cons, and product awards. An “unbiased expert review” is always written by someone cunning on the subject and independent from manufacturer and retailer.

    We link to reviews of products like computers, TVs, mobile phones, cars, video games, movies, and much more. If you find a review with a broken link or want to help us become better in any way, please contact us at b2b(@)